Monday, October 25, 2010

Where does Loren Hanks live?

Loren Hanks, the Republican candidate for Congress, has previously admitted to living outside of the district for which he is running. But, now the Tea Party backed candidate claims to be living within district lines, according to a recent article from the Lake County News.

A couple Fridays ago, I was looking for an exhilarating social adventure to kick-off my weekend, so I attended a congressional candidate forum hosted by Republican candidate Loren Hanks. The forum also featured Libertarian candidate Mike Rodrigues (supposedly, Democratic candidate Mike Thompson and Green Party candidate Carol Wolman had more exciting plans than to hang out a crowd that I swear included more grumpy look-a-likes of Bea Arthur than I care to remember).

Although the event turned out not to be the social extravaganza that I had anticipated, I heard first hand from candidate Hanks that he does live in Sonoma.  Not feeling satisfied with the answer I decided to call the Sonoma Elections Office myself, only to find out that there is no Loren Hanks registered in Sonoma County. Taking this a step further (yes, I have a job...), I called the Solano County Elections Office and found out that Hanks is still registered in Solano County and, in fact, had requested an absentee ballot earlier this month to a Travis AFB PO Box.

I would hope that Loren knows that taking your ballot and mailing it from Sonoma County is not the same as voting in Sonoma County. If Loren feels the need to be a "citizen-legislator" maybe he should make himself a citizen of the district he's running in and actually move here.